Saturday, 24 May 2014

Puppet Shows

Our Learner Quality this term is to become Confident Speakers.  We showed how well we can do this when we performed our puppet shows to the class.

Dragon & the Police Dog from Kathryn Robertson on Vimeo.

The Singing puppets from Kathryn Robertson on Vimeo.

The Three Musketeers from Kathryn Robertson on Vimeo.

 Giggles from Kathryn Robertson on Vimeo.

The Butterflies from Kathryn Robertson on Vimeo.


Steven Wills said...

Fantastic use of video Kathryn. I hope you're sharing these ideas with the rest of the Junior staff.

Steven Wills

Unknown said...

Great work kids. We loved watching your puppet shows!

Unknown said...

I loved your puppet shows guys, awesome