Sunday, 3 August 2014

Our Buddy Class

We are so lucky that Room 13 are happy to meet us once a week for Buddy Time.  Thank you Mrs G for fitting this in to your busy timetable!

Here we are with our buddies, who helped us make our days of the week paper chain - they are awesome and we can't wait to see them again soon.

Our Wonderful Room 13 Buddies on PhotoPeach


Anonymous said...

I know Mrs G LOVED having all the lovely room 1 children in her class. It is so special to see how proud the little ones are with their big buddies. Awesome friendships.

Anonymous said...

I know Mrs G LOVED having the beautiful tamariki of Room 1 in her class. It is lovely to see the proud faces of both the little and big buddies. Such an important part of St. Josephs culture.

Anonymous said...

I think this is a really nice idea; buddying up with 'bigger' kids. Luca tells me about his 'buddy' a lot.. and you can tell he loves doing this. He feels proud to be 'with the older kids' :-)